Friday, October 7, 2011

A Tribute to Steve Jobs

Considering that the world lost an icon this week in Steve Jobs, I thought I could offer a small tribute of my own.

Ever since my family purchased an Apple II computer in the early 80s, I've appreciated the products that were influenced by Steve Jobs and his way of thinking.  Technology really is just a tool people use to communicate, create, appreciate other's creations and just get things done.  I've always been excited by the way I could more elegantly and efficiently accomplish things in my life with techology, while also enjoying the process.  This has always been the case when I've interacted with something Steve Jobs influenced.

Considering that this blog is about investing, I also wanted to share some thoughts about Steve Jobs and the business world.  I recently came across this quote from the well-known management consultant, Peter Drucker:
"Because the purpose of business is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two--and only two--basic functions: marketing and innovation.  Marketing and innovation produce results; all the rest are costs."

This is something that Steve Jobs understood at an amazingly high level.  From the time he returned to Apple in 1997 until the present, Apple's stock price increased 9,000%.  This was the effect of his focus on marketing and innovation.  As we strive to improve the American economy, we need to think of new and better ways to do things and share this message with the world.  Investing in this innovation will lead to positive returns because of the increased value that is created.  I hope that we can all get to work and be a part in making the world a better place.